
Unity Prayer of Jesus (교회인가)예수님과 일치해서 사탄을 눈멀게 하는 기도

Skyblue fiat 2023. 10. 20. 07:56




The Unity Prayer is Jesus’ prayer to us as well as our prayer to Him.

"This prayer is an instrument in your hands. By collaborating with Me, Satan will be blinded by it; and because of his blindness, souls will not be led into sin." Jesus This Prayer is From the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann.


My adorable Jesus,

May our feet journey together.

May our hands gather in unity.

May our hearts beat in unison.

May our souls be in harmony.

May our thoughts be as one.

May our ears listen to the silence together.

May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.

May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.



나의 사랑 예수님
우리의 발이 함께 걷게 하시고
우리의 손이 하나로 결합하게 하시고
우리의 심장이 함께 뛰게 하시고
우리의 영혼이 조화를 이루게 하시고
우리의 생각이 하나되게 하시고
우리가 서로의 침묵을 알아듣게 하시고
우리의 눈이 서로를 꿰뚫어보게 하시고
우리의 입술이 함께 영원하신 아버지께 자비를 구하게 하소서. 



(여기서 우리 는 ‘예수님과 나’ 를 뜻합니다. 예수님과 하나되는 기도입니다.)


예수님께서 엘리자베스 킨델만에게 직접 알려주신

사탄의 눈을 멀게 하여 악으로부터 보호받는 '예수님과 일치하는 기도'입니다. 

사탄의 활동을 중지시켜 자신과 가족, 함께 있는 사람들을 보호하는 기도입니다. (교회 인가)


Is it Church approved? Yes.

The local ordinary, His Eminence Cardinal Péter Erdö, Primate of Hungary, established The Flame of Love Movement as a Private Association of the Faithful with Juridic Personality. That last phrase is important. Private Associations are not necessarily approved but any Association with Juridic Personality must be approved by a competent ecclesiastical authority. So though the Movement was established in Budapest, the approval is for the Universal Church.